Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Long time no blog....

I have been busy. This was Chris graduation in Milwaukee from MSOE on May 28, 2011. Came home for two weeks and will go to work in Milwaukee. The first picture is Chris ready to go up and second picture is Chris crossing the stage.

On May 27, we had to put Sugar out. She was getting bad. We don't know for sure what it was, heart or lungs. It was so hard for me to let her go. She has loved me for 7 years. She would of been 12 years old on July 5. I was very lucky to have her as my dog.

Then on June 4th Greg bring 4 Turkey eggs that the tracktor ran over and no Mom to be found. We went to Caleb's graduation party in St. Louis and got home late that night. I weent to get the bag of eggs out of the car and they had hatched. There were 4 wild turkeys running around the car. We lost one but we put the three in a box and started to feed them.

This is the same 3 on June 15. They are growing. There wings are getting real big. We are going to take them to a man who can raise wild animals. He has raised eagles,deers and etc. I just want them to go back into the wild.

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1 comment:

monica said...

So sorry about Sugar - I'm sure your heart is breaking! The baby turkeys are so cute! And congratulations Grandma on the graduations!